What is Vipassana:
Its derived from Sanskrit word called "Vipasyana" means Seeing in a special way. Vipassana means "Seeing things as they are". To see things as they are means, to see the truth; to see the reality. To be in that moment in that place right now. Its all about living in that moment.
Vipassana teaches us to live in the present moment. If we can learn to be in where we are currently; we can really attain the peace.
How this meditation is done:
I am not an expert on this topic nor a teacher So I wont describe any details. I will just share what I personally did to learn about this technique:
- S. N. Goenka is a reknowned teacher of Vipassana. He has several centers for teaching this ancient technique all over the world.
- I came to know one such center in Dehradun. So I enrolled myself to a 10 days retreat in Dhamma Center of Vipassana in Dehradun.
What happens in 10 days Vipassana retreat:
- During the first 3 days we learnt "Aaana-Paana" a technique of observing breathe. How we breathe in and how we breathe out.The point of observing sensations in that process of breathing.
- For the next 7 days we learn doing "Vipassana" means observing sensations all over the body. Scanning the mind and body to know whats going on in that very right moment.
Is this course free?
- Yes absolutely; its free
- If you want to donate something at the end of the course you can. More than money they believe that people who are benefited should share their knowledge and time with others.
Rules during those 10 days:
- No mobile is allowed. We cannot talk to our family/friends for 10 days of course.
- We cannot talk to anyone except our teacher for 10 days.
- Food is served only at prescribed time in Dhamma Center.
- Medicines are allowed.
- The meditation starts in morning from 4:30 AM. There are gaps and group meditations sessions in between. In Overall a wonderful lifetime experience.
- Both men and women stay separately.
- One need to wash one's utensils and clothes.
- Beds are provided.
- Two people share one room. They are not allowed to talk to each other. A complete silence is observed; one can only talk to Teacher.
What can we do to make the retreat really beneficial:
- Just obey the rules.
- Normally one meditates around 10 hours daily during 10 days of this course.
- I never felt so happy after 10 days of course in my life. I would recommend to experience and learn this beautiful technique.
What after 10 days of course:
- Maintain the minimum practice as suggested by your teacher during the course.
- Sometimes its not possible to give the amount of time. But it really pays to maintain the timings of your meditation.
Is it for everyone:
- Yes; people from all religions are welcome.
- Remember Vipassana is mentioned in almost all Dharmas be it Hinduism, Muslim, Sikh or Christian religion.
- Its just a technique, a way of life.
How to enroll:
- http://www.dhamma.org/en/schedules/schsalila.shtml
- The centers are all over India since I went to Dehradun center only so I have given the above link. One just need to contact over phone for the registration and report a day prior to start of the course.
Some links:
- http://www.dhamma.org/
- http://www.tarabrach.com/
- http://www.shambhalasun.com/
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S._N._Goenka
Recommended Readings:
- "Radical Acceptance" By Tara Brach.